2nd Year 1st semester Software Engineering Undergraduate Experience at University of Kelaniya.

Pankajan Satkunam
5 min readMay 17, 2020

Hi friends and brothers and sisters. In this blog I like to share my second year 1st semester Experience at my university. I already shared my First year Experience with you. I got good responses, so I continue to write about my second year Experience. This year was hard more than first year. I learnt lot of things about Software Engineering.

In this year first semester we had 7 subjects include one optional subject. The optional subject was Interactive Application Development.

Interactive Application Development: This subject was mainly focus on the interaction with computer. how human interact with the computer like those. This subject helped to make a Software very Interactive manner. I got nice Experience with UI/UX designing. I got the knowledge about using the Adobe XD Software that use to create the UI/UX designs. we also created one interface for a mobile application as assignment.

We had Software Modelling and Requirement Engineering.

Software Modelling: It was about create the documentation for the software. There were lot of UML diagram like use-case diagram, sequence diagram, state chart diagram, class diagram, deployment diagram etc. I was lazy about creating those documentations. It was little bit boring subject for me. But I got the knowledge about how create a Software Specification documentation and how to draw the diagrams. It helps to understand the software with looking diagrams and helps to draw the diagrams for my project also.

Requirement Engineering: I feel it was better to combine with modelling subject. This subject also full of notes. So mostly boring same as Modelling. This subject focus on how to collect the Requirements and important of the Requirements. Both subjects had the diagrams. In both subject we learnt the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) waterfall model, v model, w model, Iterative model, Agile (important one).

Computer Architecture and Operating Systems: It was interesting for me. I interested to learn, how the OS work. I liked to dual boot the OS and use it. I learnt to install the Operating Systems in virtual machines and to dual boot also. I dual boot my lap-top with parrot OS (linux) and windows. It was very cool to use both OSs. For this subject, the knowledge of the Data structure was very useful. we learnt about the VM, deadlock, Concurrence, Threads and process managements and services of OS. We had the opportunity to make our own OS. It did not have GUI only CLI.

Software Construction: I love this subject and I learnt lot of things from this. It is focus about make a good programmer and how to make our code understandable. I knew the mistakes normally we do while coding and the importance of the line spacing and alignments, comments and naming rules. We covered the SOLID principle also. These lectures are conducted by visiting lectures who is really covered lot of the things very clearly and very interesting way. That also one of reason for I like this subject and it is 2 credit course also. In this course we write a calculator java application in a good manner. First, we started the coding as a cowboy coder. After, lecturer told the mistakes then we learnt to correct the mistakes using SOLID principles.

This is the source code of that application with the versions: https://github.com/pankajan05/Java-Calculator

Management: We had the management subject in 1st year 2nd semester also. But in 1st year we covered on theory parts. In this semester we covered about the accounts part in management. We learnt to create the ledgers, Credit Note, Debit notes, Vouchers Invoices, Cash Memos. It was mostly same as the comas subject in the Ordinary Level. I took comas as my choice subject in OL. So it was easy to understand.

web development

Web Application Development: This subject is focus on teaching the web application development. We learnt php, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. This subject was very interesting. We did much praticals also that helped to understand this subject very much. In the same time we uploaded the html codes to the github and we can be able to see our works in online using github pages. This is one of the website we created in the pratical section: https://pankajan05.github.io/Srilanka-Tourism/.

The knowledge we got from this subject was be helpful for learning the frameworks like angular, laravel, django and node JS. First I started from laravel because I already had the knowledge of php so I chosed laravel first. It was very easy to learn. In laravel both backend and frontend development we can do using same framework. After that in the semester holidays I started to learn angular. The knowledge in laravel framework helped to learn quickly. For the backend I used node JS and Express. Express is the node JS frmaework for the backend. So I learnt that also. I got the MEAN stack application development knowledge in the semester holidays.



Pankajan Satkunam

Software Engineering undergraduate at University of Kelaniya